Quantifiable Injuries Matter to an Accident Lawyer in Murfreesboro TN

by | Sep 29, 2016 | Lawyers

After being in a vehicle accident, the victim has the opportunity to contact a lawyer for help. In some situations, however, they could go through a handful of consultations only to find out there isn’t a lawyer willing to handle their case. Often, the reason for this is the Accident Lawyer in Murfreesboro TN needs quantifiable injuries to ask for a settlement and often won’t take a case that isn’t worth a significant amount of money.

What are Quantifiable Injuries?

These are injuries that can be measured financially. When a person just feels sore but doesn’t seek medical attention, they do not likely have quantifiable expenses. However, if they do seek medical care and find out they have whiplash, the lawyer can use the cost of the medical appointment and the cost of the care for the person to recover as a way to measure how much of a settlement the person should receive.

How Much is Enough?

Lawyers are going to have a different idea of what’s enough, but there is a threshold. The lawyer is paid through a percentage of the settlement the person receives, so they won’t take a case that’s going to give them a minimal payment. If the person only has a few hundred dollars in damages, the lawyer isn’t going to be willing to look into the case for them. However, once the sum of quantifiable injuries reaches at least a few thousand dollars, the person might be able to find a lawyer to help them.

How Can a Person Tell What Their Injuries are Worth?

The victim of the accident can get a good idea of whether a lawyer will be willing to take on their case by considering how serious their injuries were and if there are any other accident-related expenses to consider. For example, a person who only needs to miss a few hours of work and won’t need to see a doctor will not have quantifiable injuries. However, if the person has to spend a few days or longer in the hospital and misses months of work, the case is likely a good one for an attorney to take.

The sum of quantifiable injuries is not the only aspect an Accident Lawyer in Murfreesboro TN will consider before they take a case, but it is important. If you’d like to learn more, contact the Law Office of Gritton & Gritton PLLC today.

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