How to Acquire a Bail Bond to Get a Family Member Released From Jail

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Legal Services

With a few exceptions, when a person is arrested they are given a bail amount that can be paid to secure their release from jail. They do not have to pay this amount as they can elect to remain in jail until their hearings, but most people will want to be released as quickly as possible so they can get back to their life and hire a lawyer to help them deal with the arrest. If they do not have enough money to pay the bail in full on their own, they can work with a bondsman to obtain a Bail Bond in Douglasville GA with the help of a family member.

A person cannot go to a bondsman on their own, so they’ll need a family member who is able to help them. The family member will need to pay around 10% of the bail amount or give the bondsman collateral so they can secure the bond. The collateral will need to be for more than the full bail amount if that is used. Once they have agreed to the terms of the bond and paid the fee or given the collateral, they will be able to secure the bond.

The bondsman will then pay the jail the full amount of the bond. This should only take a few hours to process and the person will be released from jail and able to return home. So long as they follow the terms of the bond, they will not need to pay anything further and will be able to remain out of jail until their hearings are concluded. If they do not follow the terms of the bond, the bondsman will need to be repaid the full bond amount plus the service fee or the family member will forfeit any collateral they used.

If your family member has been arrested, a Bail Bond in Douglasville GA can be a great option and will help them get out of jail quickly. However, you do need to make sure you understand the terms of the bond before you agree to one. Contact Free At Last Bail Bonds today for more information or to secure a bail bond for your family member.

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